The modern world is unimaginable without its existence - today electricity is one of the most necessary and important components of buildings with various functions and purposes. When working on a construction project, electrical wiring should be planned in such a way that all points of the building are electrically connected. Energy should be supplied smoothly and safely. And the material that we will use for electrical wiring must meet its requirements exactly. To take into account all the details, we should entrust the matter to professionals who know exactly all these important nuances. In the following blogs, we will expand on this topic, but today we will remember how and when people learned to use electricity and implement it in our daily long has it been since then?
Electrical processes were first learned in Greece when the Greek Thales noticed that by rubbing amber on wool and fur, amber acquired strange properties. The stone thus attracted light particles. Amber means electron in Greek, hence the term electricity (this process caused by friction was called electric charging of the body). William Gilbert coined the term in the 17th century established. It is from this period that the study of electrical phenomena took a real scientific form. Gilbert showed how various substances can become electrified as a result of friction. he in 1600 He published a paper in which he described researches on magnetic and electric phenomena and gave us the first theory of electricity and magnetism.
We can look for prototypes of modern electrical devices and tools In the 1800s and 1900s. This time became a period of many new discoveries and inventions. For example, an electric bell, various types of electric motors and generators, lamps and others. Italian physicist Alessandro Volta was the first scientist to discover and study electric current. he in 1800, created the first chemical source of electrical energy, the so-called Volta element. This element replaced the electrostatic generator. Chemical energy was converted into electrical energy in the device. In his honor, the unit of voltage was named volt.
since 1900, the introduction of electricity in broad layers of society began. The first electrified enterprises were created, the development of the construction of powerful power stations and the development of long-distance electric transmission, the introduction and distribution of electric transport (city) began.
We can also mention here the separate experiments of Hans Christian Oersted, Andre-Marie Ampere and Francois Arago, which proved the connection between electricity and magnetism. in 1831, in England, Michael Faraday discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, which later became the key to the development of the electric motor. To this day, the operation of many electrical devices is based on it.
AC/DC — This name is associated with an Australian rock band for many people, but it is actually an abbreviation for types of electrical current: alternating current and direct current. It is encoded as alternating current/direct current.
As an example of constant current, we can cite the so-called A constant electric current generated by a "battery" in one direction, which is supplied to a specific device. And alternating current, which is what we mostly use today and which is in the power grid that runs in our homes, changes its direction every second. 50-60 times (50 times in Georgia) changes. The alternating current system was created by Nikola Tesla, an American physicist, engineer and inventor of Serbian origin.
Edison VS Tesla
Let's recall what we know about the invention of the light bulb. It is a known, but inaccurate fact that it was created by one of the greatest inventors of all time, Thomas Edison. In fact, Edison only bought the invention of two Canadians - Woodhard and Evans, but he made a significant contribution to the lighting of our homes and streets.
Edison's light bulb was a glass flask with a filament of filament. In order to create a vacuum, it was necessary to pump air out of the flask. Edison finished working on the invention when he found the material needed to make the barbarian thread and bought this idea. After that, he continued his experiments and discovered that the current can move in the vacuum inside the bulb, although he could not trace the reason for this.
Today, we already know that this phenomenon is the result of the movement of electrons separated from the filament of Varvar. whatever "Edison effect" is called. This discovery was the basis for the principle of modern electricity.
It is known that Edison was a supporter of direct current, and Nikola Tesla, the creator of the alternating current system, was against it. A battle broke out between them as to which type of electric current would conquer the world... Not long after, Edison lost the battle, and since then, all power plants have produced only alternating current. We have to thank Tesla that today, thanks to alternating current in buildings, we have affordable electricity for everyone.
Tesla's patents and theoretical works laid the foundation for AC power in modern electronics. his AC system It included all the units necessary for the production and use of electricity: be it a generator, transformers, transmission system, motor, what is used in appliances or lighting.
The battle between the two great scientists began when in 1891 Edison invited the talented Serbian physicist to work in his company. Edinson needed a system to distribute electricity, which Tesla had to help with. Tesla successfully coped with the task and saved Edison's company from huge costs, but soon the situation between them became tense and turned into a conflict. It was about direct and alternating current. DC power plants built on the Atlantic coast of the US did not bring much benefit. The lamps created by Edison, which operated on direct current, were too weak. The system could not avoid the assigned duty. To transmit power over long distances, high voltage was required, and wiring could not withstand high voltage. For smooth operation, it was necessary to install power stations every 3 km. In contrast to all this, Tesla's proposed alternating current per second 50-60- First, the direction was changed and the devices could freely withstand high voltage. The power loss was also negligible in contrast to direct current. According to Tesla, the future belonged to alternating current.
So he created AC generators, motors and transformers. His patents were purchased by the American engineer George Westinghouse and he began to work to light up America with the Tesla system, which was followed by the transition of other countries to alternating current.
This is how the war began ACand DCbetween and ended with the victory of alternating current. Progress won the war, and to this day, the mentioned system determines the many good things that have come down to us, without which the modern world is unthinkable.