Installation of MEP systems and related processes

In the previous article I will tell you how the design documentation is prepared by the engineering company, what it consists of and what procedures we have to go through to create a correct and result-oriented MEP project. Share it with you How to achieve better results by reducing costs, increasing energy efficiency and being more sustainable. desired targetAbbyTo achieve s, we have to be guided by the advice of professionals And we will tell you about them step by step.

As we mentioned, preparation of project documentation is followed by no less important procedures. Installation works are also scheduled and properly planned routine work, which, with the help of specialists, makes the buildings around us safe, protected, climate-adapted and comfortable.

Beginning of installation work

How the systems are installed and what procedures are necessary for the smooth and proper functioning of the buildings, we will continue to tell you about the example of "Verge". Since 2019, the company's experienced team has been creating optimal solutions tailored to the customer's requirements, as evidenced by the increased number of successful projects.


What do we need to start the installation work?

Initially, before the installation process, the project is verified by the installation team and recommendations are made for adaptation to a specific object. Recommendations are made both for adaptation to the construction site and for the purpose of planning time and finances.

The next stage includes viewing the installation facility, planning the installation process of the engineering project, as well as matching the drawings with the existing situation. After that, based on our recommendations and the construction site, the necessary changes are discussed with the customer and the author of the project.

montage works

The schedule and final budget are then provided to the customer. After the confirmation and signing of the contract, the procurement process begins, which includes the material agreement-confirmation acts, directly to the product installation and testing phase.


Review of acts of confirmation of materials

The issuing of recommendations regarding the proper operation of engineering systems is followed by the review of material verification acts. Checking the technical characteristics of the material, quality certificates (who issued them, their origin) and revision of the test reports issued by the manufacturing plant. Before purchase, it should be evaluated whether the selected material meets the standard specified in the project. For example, all fire consultants will definitely ask us whether the equipment we have selected has a specific international certificate.

MEP systems

Installation work and related reports

When all the details are agreed and signed, such as the contract, confirmation acts, the technology of the work production, it is time for the installation procedures. Depending on the scale of the project, one or more project managers work on the facility, in accordance with the engineering systems.

The contractor has drawn up a detailed and integrated plan-schedule for the production of works. By checking this plan, we find out how and to what extent the project is completed. Control over the schedule and quality of works is necessary. All installation conditions must be observed.

The correct operation of the systems depends on how qualified our employees are during the installation period and how they follow the technical regulations during the installation of the equipment. All devices come with specific guidelines, installation diagrams, all instructions must be followed.


Monitoring and management of testing processes

testing process

Monitoring-management of testing/balancing processes is also an important stage. It is necessary to test all the details and check how well the installed system works.

Testing is done at various stages of installation. System share testing includes acts of covert work. During the full inspection and also during the start-up of the systems, the equipment is turned on and tested in such a way that the full test before the proper operation is completed and the system start-up acts are performed.

System testing can be divided into appropriate topics for different specific objects, however, network balancing is performed only on a fully operational system.

In order for the processes to be performed correctly when working on engineering systems, to be insured against all further complications and to receive professional services at all stages, it is better to involve an experienced group in the case - for example, such as the Verge team.

If you are interested in information on MEP design, check out our article at this link



Batumi Build

,,ვერგე“ მონაწილეობდა გამოფენაზე Batumi Build 2024

კომპანია ,,ვერგემ“ მონაწილეობდა მე-13 საერთაშორისო სამშენებლო მასალების, ტექნოლოგიებისა და უძრავი ქონების გამოფენაზე ,,Batumi Build 2024’’. გამოფენა 6-8 დეკემბერს ქალაქ ბათუმში გაიმართა. ჩვენმა გუნდმა დამსწრე საზოგადოებას